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Self-taught Software Engineer

I design and develop experiences that make people's lives simple.

Hello, I'm Vinod Baste🙂

A award losing Software Engineer specializing in data science, front-end, and back-end development from India.

I've been designing and developing software since 2021 with a focus on detailed, data-driven, accessibility and pleasing aesthetics.

I also write articles and I have my works published on Medium, and Google Dev Library.

Open Source Contibutions 🁥

I enjoy contributing to open-source projects, where I focus on improving usability and adding new features. Here are some of the projects I've been involved with recently:

Image preprocessing and comparison

This Python library provides a comprehensive set of functions for image preprocessing and comparison.

Image Compressor

An Android image compress library, image compressor, is small and effective.

Python headline style

This python librabry changes a given text to Title Caps, and attempts to be clever about SMALL words like a/an/the in the input.

Featured Articles 🗒

I write the type of articles I would want to read when trying to understand a new concept or develop a skill. Here are some things I've written recently:

Unlocking the Power of PaddleOCR

Unlocking the Power of PaddleOCR

In this article, we will explore how to use PaddleOCR, an advanced OCR toolkit based on deep learning, for text detection and recognition tasks.

9 HTTP methods and how to use them

HTTP methods and how to use them.

In this article, we'll cover everything you need to know about different HTTP methods.

Create outstanding Android user experiences for big screens and foldable devices.

Large Screens & Foldables

In this article, we'll explore how to create outstanding Android user experiences for big screens and foldable devices.